When a hard drive is damaged it almost always comes down to one of two things that are wrong. Either the electronics are bad or the heads have failed. Damaged hard drive recovery involves repairing the parts that are broken and then accessing the … [Read more...]
How To Recover Data from Your Teens Cell Phone
I have a lot of customers who are wanting to be able recover data from their child's cell phone. With all the news lately about teens being convicted of child pornography I find it to be a valid worry. In the case of MOST phones when you teen takes … [Read more...]
RAID Explained in Simple Terms
I find that "RAID" is such a scary term to a lot of my end users or business clients who are not Network Admin's. A RAID is in it's simplest form more then one "physical" (physical means the actual device you would hold in you hand) hard drive put … [Read more...]
Missing Email in Outlook Express and How to Get it Back
Up until recently it had been the general thought that after an archive or compression in Outlook Express that if you had lost email you were just out of luck. I recently found that when Outlook is doing this compression/archiving that it move you … [Read more...]
Seagate Firmware Fix Does Not Work On All Hard Drives
By now most of you have heard that Seagate has issues with several of their newer Barracuda models. They released a firmware fix for the problem, but what they didn't tell you is, the firmware fix only works if the hard drive is seen by the BIOS. We … [Read more...]
How To Choose Hard Drive Recovery Company
A Google search for hard drive recovery yields a lot of results. Most of the paid or sponsored results are newer fly by night companies that are not established hard drive recovery companies. The question you need to ask yourself if contemplating … [Read more...]
Hard Drive Recovery FAQs
We have been getting a lot of questions about the different types of hard drive recovery and what users can do when they have a data loss situation. There are two main types of hard drive or data loss problems users run into: Software Failure - … [Read more...]
RAID 1 Data Recovery FREEWARE Full Version RAID Software
DTI Data Recovery is happy to announce a new full version FREEWARE data recovery software for RAID 1 users. If you are using a RAID 1 which is a mirrored set of hard drives, and the RAID no longer boots, than we can help. More home users are getting … [Read more...]
Converting RAID 1 to Single Drive
RAID 1, also known as a mirrored set, would seem to be a perfect way to keep your critical data safe. The concept being that you have redundant drives. Whatever gets written to one drive will get written to the other drive. In other words, the drives … [Read more...]
New Hard Drive Recovery Tools From DTI
DTI Data is happy to announce new hard drive recoverytools, for professionals and users alike. We have always had the best in Freeware data recovery software, and these new tools are no different. In today's marketplace, home users are as likely to … [Read more...]
End User Raid Zero Array Crash
I had a client call me the other day and tell me that her two year old two terabyte drive had crashed and all of her pictures of her children, as well as her wedding were on the drive. She did not have a backup and was very upset. I knew that there … [Read more...]
Hard Drive Recovery Comes To You
DTI Data a global data recovery company has created unique new technology that allows users that have suffered data loss, to have their operating system and data put back to where it was prior to the problem! We have been performing remote data … [Read more...]
View It Now Software Tool
I am a pretty visual guy and because of that my problem solving skills are based on viewing. When trying to recover data from a corrupt file system I like to use a hex editor and view the system areas of the drive to make sure that everything is … [Read more...]
Removing Attachments from Outlook Messages
Here is a simple trick that not a lot of people are aware of. If you are anything like me, you probably keep ALL incoming and outgoing email, just in case you need to go back and reference something either you sent to somebody or they sent to you. … [Read more...]
View It Now NTFS File System Viewer
I have worked with Microsoft file systems since DOS 3.3. From FAT12, to the current NTFS 5.0 Microsoft has always strived to make their file systems fast and reliable. However, there has always been one major drawback. Their file systems have … [Read more...]
Hard Drive Recovery and Remote Diagnostics… Old School gone retro…
When I first started writing hard drive recovery software, many, many, years ago Microsoft file systems were pretty straight forward. It was a simple FAT, with some file entry tables scattered throughout the drive with a few key system … [Read more...]
New Western Digital External Hard Drives
WESTERN Digital has upgraded its My Book Studio Edition, My Book Home Edition and My Book Essential Edition 2TB external hard drives, and the My Book Mac Edition 2TB drive series of external hard drive to 2TB of storage. The new external hard … [Read more...]
My Book is Not Being Seen by Windows
Ok so the most popular external drives on the market have to be the My Book and The Passport. I get a ton of calls every week about them, and I don't believe it is because it is not a good product but more because they are being SO widely used. So … [Read more...]