This might be the most popular drive sold in the past 5 years. It is fast and the storage capacity for the bang for your buck was huge! When they first came out you couldn’t get anything close in size for the pennies Western Digital was asking for … [Read more...]
External USB Hard Drive Recovery
USB drives have been around for several years now and because of that fact data, has been compiled that reflects the type of files a USB drive will store. In addition, I apply my experience, to the types of damage that a USB enclosure will … [Read more...]
Hard Drive Recovery FAQs
We have been getting a lot of questions about the different types of hard drive recovery and what users can do when they have a data loss situation. There are two main types of hard drive or data loss problems users run into: Software Failure - … [Read more...]
Hard Drive Recovery and Remote Diagnostics… Old School gone retro…
When I first started writing hard drive recovery software, many, many, years ago Microsoft file systems were pretty straight forward. It was a simple FAT, with some file entry tables scattered throughout the drive with a few key system … [Read more...]
Solid State Storage Replacing Magnetic Media? WD Thinks So
We have talked about solid state storage including how it works and the benefits of using it over magnetic media such as hard drives. By researching solid state storage companies and the progress they have made, we always thought that is would be … [Read more...]
Hard Drive Recovery Myths Debunked
If you have had a hard drive problem then sure enough you have done some searching on the Internet and seen some startling revelations about hard drive recovery. My personal favorite is :it is safe to put your hard drive in the freezer over night"! … [Read more...]
Hard Drive Recovery Software
There are a lot of websites and blogs that talk about hard drive recovery. Most of the content out there is really just fluff, written to drive hard drive and data recovery type ads in Google AdSense. These ads can make webmasters and site owners a … [Read more...]
Speed Kills? With Hard Drives It’s Heat!
A few months ago I bought an internal thermometer for my computer. I was told by Malcolm our hard drive recovery engineer that the most common reason for hard disk failure was heat. I was shocked to find the internal temperature of my machine was 120 … [Read more...]