The original SNAP NAS devices were developed by SNAP Appliance. The operating system that was used was a flavor of BSD in concert with the file system UFS. Although the file system looks very similar to the original UFS there were some subtle … [Read more...]
Analyzing RAID parity
Last time I discussed how to find the RAID data offset for a SNAP OS 4.x RAID handler. To put it briefly it was just a simple matter of finding Cylinder Group zero on the first drive in the array and back tracking 48 sectors. Once the RAID data … [Read more...]
Finding SNAP OS 4.x RAID Data Offset
If you are in this business long enough you will see everything, or will you? Two weeks ago I received a SNAP RAID OS 4.x for recovery. I have done a lot of these and I am pretty familiar with the data offsets, how the drives are setup, and where … [Read more...]